In the last years we added some new modules in ICdoc pro. Furthermore, new features and improvements significantly increased usability and functionality. Fortunately a large portion of the development costs were sponsored by industry, so we can offer these modules to all interested units at no charge.
Module for the documentation of enteral/parenteral nutrition
This module enables the detection and evaluation of parenteral and enteral nutrition. In addition to capturing the nutritional parameters ICdoc was extended by two additional scores: "BEE Harris Benedict" and "Body Mass Index".
This module was developed with kind support of Fresenius.
Module for monitoring nosocomial infections
This module will enable you to document all infections appearing in your patients. A special attention will have to be paid to those infections appearing after a stay of at least 48 hours that are described as nosocomial infections.
The data set is identical with the data set of the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) formerly HELICS record, now HAI-ICU / TESSY.
This documentation and evaluation module was developed with kind support of Roche.
The SAPS 3 study was conducted in 2003 and published starting from 2005. SAPS 3 has become a widely-used scoring system. 2006 after finishing the SAPS 3 study, we implemented the SAPS 3 Admission Score module into ICdoc pro. The SAPS 3 replaces the SAPS II since 1.1.2012. SAPS 3 requires the data from one hour before and after ICU admission.
The integration of the module was sponsored by the company iMDsoft. Thank you very much.
Burn care
Since 2008 this module offers a documentation for burn care patients.