We organize regularily meetings which are intended to be open forums for discussion between the different stakeholders which form and perform intensive care nowadays.
ICdoc Training
A complete understanding of the data elements which are to be documented is a necessary prerequisite in order to create a high-quality standard in our data collection. For this reason, ICdoc training sessions are organized regularly.
Generally all meetings and trainings take place in Vienna. Other locations are possible but need a specific agreement. For dates and information please contact our office.
ANISS/ASDI Meeting 2024
5 December 2024
9:00 bis 19.00 Uhr
Josephinum, 1090 Wien, Währinger Straße 25
Dieses Jahr wird unser ASDI Meeting gemeinsam mit dem Nationalen Referenzzentrum für die Surveillance nosokomialer Infektionen (ANISS) in den eindrucksvollen Räumlichkeiten des Josephinums in Wien stattfinden.
Nutzen Sie bereits jetzt die Möglichkeit zur Anmeldung.